Pay £400 to £425 per week


Posted Tuesday 3rd Sep 2024

Start Date Tuesday 10th Sep 2024

Close Date Tuesday 15th Oct 2024 (closed)

Job Description

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of students with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties (EBD)? Kent Teaching Solutions is seeking dedicated and compassionate EBD Teaching Assistants to join our supportive team in Medway.

Provide Individualized Support: Work closely with students with EBD, offering personalized care, guidance, and intervention strategies to help them manage their emotions, develop coping skills, and succeed academically. Foster Positive Relationships: Build trusting and supportive relationships with students, creating a safe and nurturing environment where they feel valued, understood, and empowered to overcome challenges.

Implement Effective Strategies: Utilize evidence-based strategies and interventions to promote positive behavior, reduce barriers to learning, and facilitate the social and emotional development of students with EBD.


  • Previous experience working with students with EBD or other SEN is desirable but not essential.
  • Patience, empathy, and resilience are essential qualities for this role.
  • Strong communication skills and the ability to build positive relationships with students, colleagues, and parents/carers.
  • Relevant qualifications in education, childcare, or SEN support are advantageous.




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