Kent Teaching Solutions are proud to have been awarded one of the select positions as a supplier on the Supply Teachers Framework for The Crown Commercial Service (CCS).


Launched in 2018, the Supply Teachers Framework is an agreement between the UK Government, Department for Education and suppliers who provide temporary staff. It is designed to improve quality of service and supply by allowing public sector bodies to purchase from approved suppliers, rather than having to sign up to a variety of contracts with differing terms and conditions.


To be awarded a place on the framework we have to uphold the highest levels and hold the REC Audited Education award, seen as the gold standard in education recruitment.


Kent Teaching Solutions work exclusively in Kent and Medway and we are committed to providing the best service for both schools and education staff throughout the county.


Working with us will ensure you work with an agency with the gold standard in compliance, whilst also being able to save you money!


Kent Teaching Solutions provides a wide range of temporary staff including:

  • Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Cover Supervisors


Further information about the framework:

Image result for crown commercial services


Further information about the REC audited education award:


Don't worry, please call us anyway to discuss your ideal job.